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Spanish Point Technologies Announces Launch of

- Jun 18, 2012
Spanish Point Technologies Announces Launch of

Dublin, Ireland – June 18, 2012 – Spanish Point announces the launch of the new . This website was a collaborative project between Spanish Point Technologies and our strategic partners, global solutions firm, Infusion. Infusion is an industry expert in user experience design.

Pobal is a not-for-profit company that manages social inclusion, reconciliation and equality programmes on behalf of the Irish Government and the EU. Spanish Point and Infusion designed and built the new based on Microsoft SharePoint for Internet Sites. It is an excellent example of what can be achieved using Microsoft SharePoint for Internet Sites while focusing on User Experience (UX).

“User experience is the art of understanding how customers behave and interact with your software, and leveraging that understanding to create something revolutionary to increasing adoption. Our world class multi-disciplinary team of visual designers, information architects, and user experience experts are committed to creating a powerful, compelling experience to ensure success for Spanish Point.”
– James Horgan, Director, User Experience, Infusion.

This is the first major project that has been launched as part of the strategic partnership between Spanish Point and Infusion.

Read more about Spanish Point’s Strategic Partnership with infusion.
