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Power BI Embedded: Empowering ISVs to Deliver Value and Accelerate Growth

by Spanish Point - Jun 20, 2024
Power BI Embedded: Empowering ISVs to Deliver Value and Accelerate Growth

Businesses crave data insights, but building robust analytics features from scratch is a time-consuming drain on resources. The answer lies in embedded analytics, seamlessly integrating data visualisation and exploration directly within your applications.

In a fiercely competitive business landscape, choosing the right embedded analytics solution is challenging. To assist you in this decision-making process, we will explore one of the leading embedded analytics platforms available – Power BI Embedded.

What is Power BI Embedded?

Microsoft Power BI is a comprehensive cloud-based BI and analytics service that encompasses several components:

  • A Windows desktop application (Power BI Desktop)
  • An online SaaS service (Power BI Service)
  • A mobile app
  • An embedded platform

Power BI Embedded, a service within Microsoft Azure, allows independent software vendors (ISVs) and developers to integrate Power BI’s robust analytics capabilities into their own applications. This solution enables ISVs to deliver insightful dashboards and reports to their customers or employees, ensuring data is accessible in the most relevant and convenient contexts. The advantages for growing ISVs extend well beyond these capabilities.

Testing and Validation

Ready to unlock the power of data insights for your customers?

Benefits of Power BI Embedded for ISVs

Accelerate Time to Market

Power BI Embedded allows ISVs to quickly and easily incorporate interactive reports and dashboards into their applications without the hassle of managing infrastructure or hosting costs. This means you can focus on development and bring your application to market faster.

Develop Unique Data Products

By embedding interactive reports and dashboards, Power BI Embedded enables you to offer users unprecedented insights into their data. This differentiation impresses customers, fostering repeat business and generating positive referrals.

Enhance User Experience

Offering customers the ability to visualise and interact with data is crucial for informed decision-making. Power BI Embedded provides this capability with a user-friendly interface and seamless integration with other Microsoft products, making it an ideal choice for ISVs.

Generate New Revenue Streams

Embedding Power BI in your application allows you to offer premium features and services that users can subscribe to on a monthly or annual basis. This creates additional revenue streams and supports faster business scaling.

Optimise Developer Resources with Automation and Customisation

Developer time is invaluable for ISVs. Power BI Embedded’s automation and customisation features reduce the demand on your developers. Customers can view visualisations within your native application, maintaining brand consistency and enhancing the user experience.

Leverage Microsoft Azure for Growth

ISVs benefit from Microsoft’s extensive investment in analytical services. As new capabilities are released, your application grows alongside Power BI, ensuring customers access secure, top-tier data visualisations. Azure’s global cloud capabilities also mean your visualisations are accessible across devices with consistent security and accuracy.

Scalable Costs Aligned with Business Growth

Power BI Embedded’s pricing starts low and scales with your business. Similar to Azure, it leverages the cloud to accommodate rapid growth. You can manage and pause your service as needed, ensuring costs align with your evolving needs.

Power BI Embedded offers numerous advantages for ISVs, including faster market entry, unique data products, enhanced user experiences, new revenue streams, optimised developer resources, and scalable costs. These benefits make it an essential tool for ISVs aiming to grow their business efficiently and effectively.