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Azure Migration Best Practices: Ensuring a Smooth Transition for ISVs

by Spanish Point - Feb 8, 2024
Azure Migration Best Practices: Ensuring a Smooth Transition for ISVs

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) are increasingly turning to cloud platforms such as Microsoft Azure to streamline their operations and enhance scalability. However, navigating the migration process to Azure can be complex, demanding careful preparation and implementation to guarantee a smooth transition. In this blog, we’ll delve into the best practices for ISVs, enabling them to go forward with confidence with their Azure migration and open the door for ongoing development and innovation.

VMware Migration

Azure VMware Solution provides your organization with options when migrating to Azure. To minimize business continuity risks, cut down on complexity, and shorten the migration time an organisation can move VMware resources from on-premises datacentres to a dedicated cloud environment on Azure. With the Azure VMware Solution, you can gradually add cloud services as your company grows, allowing you to implement cloud technology at a speed that fits your needs.

SQL Server Migration

Azure SQL Database is the recommended option when migrating SQL Server workloads that require a fully managed platform as a service (PaaS). Azure SQL Database has built-in high availability, intelligent query processing, scalability, and performance capabilities to suit many application types. In addition, you can modernise your application by using the PaaS capabilities and eliminate any dependancy on technical components.

Key factors to consider when adopting this migration process are:

  • Number of servers and databases
  • Size of databases
  • Acceptable business downtime during the migration process

When migrating data to the Azure SQL Database the time to migrate can depend on both the number of objects in a database and the size of the database.


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Multiple Datacentres

Migrating multiple datacentres is similar to consolidating datacentres. After migration, he cloud emerges as the all-in-one datacentre solution for various assets. Validation and IP address alignment are the most likely scope expansions during the migration process.

Recommended action for the success of cloud migration with multiple datacentres include:

  • Evaluate network conflicts: Network, DNS, and other conflicts are common when consolidating datacentres into one cloud provider. Testing for conflicts is essential during migration to prevent disruptions to cloud-hosted production systems.
  • Update routing tables: When networks or datacenters are consolidated, routing table modifications are frequently necessary.

Data requirements exceed network capacity

In a cloud migration, a network is used to synchronize and replicate assets between the cloud and the current datacentre. Network capacity is frequently exceeded by the current data size requirements of different workloads. Therefore, the process of migration can be radically slowed, or in some cases, stopped entirely.

To prepare for this scenario, suggested actions during the migration process are:

  • Copy storage: This method can be used to transfer files from file servers, backups, archives, applications, and HDFS data. There are also third-party partner solutions that use Azure Data Box for migration. When using these solutions, you transfer large amounts of data offline and then synchronise it later on the network at a smaller scale.
  • Ship the device: After you copy the data, you can ship the device to Microsoft. Once the data is imported and received, it can be accessed through an Azure Storage account.
  • Restore the asset: Verify that the data is available in the storage account. If the data is available, the data can be used in Azure Files or as a blob.
  • Synchronisation: Should drift synchronisation be necessary for a migrated asset, you can utilize one of the partner third-party solutions to keep the files synchronised until the asset is recovered.

To conclude our exploration of Azure migration best practices for ISVs, it’s evident that careful planning, thorough execution, and ongoing optimisation are paramount for a successful transition. As technology continues to evolve, embracing the cloud represents not only a strategic imperative but also a pathway to remain competitive in an increasingly digital world, and at Spanish Point with the help of our experts we can guide you through the next steps on your journey of migrating to the cloud.